
10 Things to Know About Your Destination Before You Go

December 2, 2010 | By

Destination Unknown

Do you have a vacation coming up?  I recently read an interesting article on Gadling.com that outlined the ten things you should know about your destination before you go. 

Little things to learn in advance that will help your trip go more smoothly: 

  1. Best way from the airport to the city
  2. How much cash to start with and in what denominations
  3. What’s the tipping culture?
  4. A few key phrases in the local language
  5. When to leave for the airport when you depart
  6. What’s legal (or illegal!)
  7. What days museums are free or discounted
  8. The real value of a transit or tourist pass
  9. Where to get help if you need it
  10. Can’t miss tips from locals and travelers

You can check out the article for more details on each of those, or contact your Andavo travel advisor – chances are they’ll be able to help you out with the answers to a lot of those questions, saving you some research time. 

What would you add to the list?  I always like to check the tourist office of my destination to get a calendar of events and holidays.  This gives me ideas of fun things to check out…or areas of the city to avoid!