
9/11 Memorial – New York City

March 28, 2012 | By

I recently had the opportunity to travel to New York City, and visited the 9/11 Memorial while there.  It was a very memorable and emotional experience, one that I highly recommend you take the time to experience while in New York City.

The National September 11 Memorial is a tribute of remembrance and honor to the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center site, near Shanksville, Pa., and at the Pentagon, as well as the six people killed in the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993.

The Memorial’s twin reflecting pools are each nearly an acre in size and feature the largest manmade waterfalls in the North America. The pools sit within the footprints where the Twin Towers once stood. The names of every person who died in the 2001 and 1993 attacks are inscribed into bronze panels edging the Memorial pools, a powerful reminder of the largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on American soil and the greatest single loss of rescue personnel in American history.

You need to have a ticket to tour the site, so if you are planning a trip to the Big Apple and want to make the memorial a part of your trip, go to www.911memorial.org/visitor-passes and get tickets for the day you want to visit.  The tickets are free, but they only allow a certain amount of visitors each day.