
AndavoMart 2013

November 7, 2013 | By

Andavo Travel held the seventh annual AndavoMart on, November 1-3, 2013 in Seattle, Washington.


Some of the attendee’s outside Pikes Place Market in Seattle

AndavoMart brings travel advisors from across the country together for a few days of networking, hotel site inspections, company information sessions, travel vender meetings, great gifts and prizes, and amazing food! This event helps ensure Andavo Travel’s advisors remain in the top tier of luxury vacation travel agents.

This year’s event included hotel inspections of three of Seattle’s premier Virtuoso properties: Hotel 1000, Four Seasons Hotel Seattle, and The Fairmont Olympic Hotel in Seattle. Other AndavoMart events over the weekend included a private dinner at The Seattle Flight Museum catered by McCormmick’s and Schmicks Steak House, and a walking tour through the famous Pikes Place Market.

AndavoMart brought in 22 amazing vendors this year. Each advisor was able to meet with key contacts from companies such as Delta, Four Seasons, Fairmont, Regent Seven Seas, Silversea, Seabourn, Orient-Express, and Abercrombie & Kent. These meetings are invaluable to our travel advisors; they enable them to meet new contacts and deepen their relationships with old ones, learn about new promotions, and stay up to date on relevant destination information. Plus, advisors had the chance of winning one of the 25 amazing prizes donated by Vendors!

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This annual event is something you don’t want to miss as a travel advisor, and its one of the many benefits of having Andavo Travel as your host agency!
