
European Travel: 2014 Scottish Homecoming

April 9, 2013 | By

Scottish dancer 2In 2014 Scotland welcomes the world to join in the exciting Year of Homecoming. In addition to the Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup, there will be a  year-long schedule of events and activities to showcase all that’s great about Scotland: mouth-watering food and drink events; lots to get you active in the great outdoors; plus spectacular arts, cultural and ancestral heritage to explore.

Scottish dancer 1Get your clan and tartan together and start planning now to take advantage of the things that most interest you most while traveling to Scotland.  Here are a few of the specific items that are planned for 2014.  The month of May will be dedicated to whisky.  June 28-30 marks the 700th Anniversary of the battle of Bannackburn.  Highland Games will be throughout September and October.  Scotland will be hosting the Ryder Cup in September.

I’ve traveled to Scotland many times, and I still stay in contact with friends that I have there.  If you have a drop of Scottish blood, 2014 would be a fantastic year for you to visit and take advantage of the festivals and events.  I’d love to help you plan your trip.