
Holiday Travel 2011 – Let’s Get Going!

August 30, 2011 | By

Summer is coming to a close, kids are going back to school, and I know the last thing you’re ready to think about is the holidays…  but if you’re planning to travel in November or December, now is the time to get going!  Booking early is the key to visiting that out-of-town family, enjoying a cruise together or heading to that beachy location you’re dreaming about to get away from the holiday snow.

One of our Andavo Travel advisors appeared on the Daily Dish morning show in the Salt Lake area on August 23, 2011 to give some tips on planning that tricky holiday travel.

If you’d like help in planning your holiday travel this year, we’d be happy to assist.  Give us a call at 866-327-7600 to be paired with an Andavo Travel advisor, or choose your own here.