December 2, 2010 | By Donna Evans
Mama and Baby Koala
Janine Duffy is one of the owners of Echidna Walkabout, an eco-experience from Melbourne that should not be missed. She is at one with nature and her precious koalas, all named by her. The following is what she wrote about the new life in the You Yangs. Enjoy!
“In the gum-tree forests of the You Yangs there is new life! Leaves are sprouting on the trees, puddles are filled with noisy frogs and baby birds are emerging out of nests. We’ve had rain, at last, and the Bush is singing with happiness!
It takes a while for the big animals to bounce back from years of drought, and so we didn’t expect any new koala babies until next year. Most southern koalas breed in summer (December/January) and babies stay hidden for 6 months in the pouch before they emerge around July/August. So we knew we would have to wait a while.
But some people get impatient – and it seems our darling Koala Pat is the impatient type. Somehow she got herself “up the duff” (Aussie slang for pregnant) back in April or May, probably with the enthusiastic assistance of Merle. And just the other day we first met the result of this belated union!”