
Lamu Island, Kenya

December 5, 2010 | By

While Lamu Island is not exactly on the usual tourist’s path, it is truly an amazing place; blending many races and cultures into the Swahili tradition. Arabians, Indians, East Africans and Portuguese live together in harmonious existence.

Tending New Seedlings

With humidity, wind and a wild ocean at the door, this island population offers a very special product: Mahogany tables. The industry finds its wood in the Mbambakofi (a type of mahogany) forests where each tree they cut is replaced by planting 2 new trees. The wood is heavy and strong, shaped to perfection. The magnificent quality and beautiful craftsmanship appears in each individual table.

If you plan to visit this island after a hard week on safari; you will be able to relax and rest on the 14km beach. But don’t forget to visit the factory where the creative juices flow into works of art! Lamu Island is very special, indeed.