December 3, 2010 | By Linda Smith
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall
I took a wonderful trip this year to Taipei, Taiwan for a week in July. With the non-stop flight from Salt Lake City to Japan on Delta, I only had to change planes once to get to Taipei.
Taipei is a huge city – very modern with a lot of history and beautiful temples to explore. I found plenty to do for a week; and the people are friendly to US travelers.
Longshan Temple – Taipei’s Most Famous Religious Site
The city has a subway system making it easy to get around; and taxis are plentiful too. Many of the residents of Taipei drive small motorcycles to get around. I witnessed several accidents, so I wouldn’t recommend driving yourself when you are there! You should allow extra time anywhere you go because of the traffic.
I stayed at the Westin Taipei in the entertainment district of Taipei’s Nanking East Road. The location of the hotel was great! It was only a couple of blocks from the subway and close to several shopping malls.
The Taipei 101
At the Taipei 101, (until recently, the tallest building in the world), we ate at Diamond Tony’s Italian Restaurant. It had great views of the city while you eat dinner.
The night markets are a lot of fun. The Shilin night market is the oldest and largest in Taipei. Bargaining is a must!
Gardens at the National Palace Museum
The National Palace Museum has many treasures from the Forbidden City in Beijing. In 1931, war was on the horizon so the most valuable pieces were sent out of the city to Taipei to prevent them from getting into the hands of the Imperial Japanese Army.
If you are interested in hearing more about taking a trip to Taipei, give me a call!